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B.A. Media and Communication Management (Englisch)
Film, TV, Web and even the whole print and advertising market is a global business. Ideas are sold internationally as well as complete film products or brand campaigns. Furthermore major corporations and organisations act and communicate globally. More than ever before the media and communication market needs managers who are familiar with international aspects of media business, media rights and cultural differences. mehr Text anzeigen
B.A. Media and Communication Management (Englisch), HOCHSCHULE MACROMEDIA
Studiengang in Zahlen
SoSe + WiSe
15.02. + 15.08.
pro Semester
Masterstudiengang vorhanden?
Typische Seminargröße
Durchschnittliche Vorlesungsgröße
Anteil ECTS Wahl- und Wahlpflichtbereich
Wahlpflicht: 150, Wahl: 60
Beratungsangebote für ausländische StudentInnen
The students in the English programmes of Macromedia University come from all over the world - the best conditions when it comes to preparing for an international career. Particularly in the Graduate School, currently more than 70 percent of the students have an international background. We cultivate a very diverse student body with students joining from all continents. Thereby, students will not only profit from different perspectives and approaches but also get to know fellow students from all walks of life. Furthermore, Macromedia University has a Buddy-network which connects international students to domestic students. The International Office supports the incoming student by organizing a Buddy if desired. The international students will then be contacted by their buddy upon arrival in Germany. The buddy will assist with questions and answers regarding the time studying abroad and helping the international student during the beginning of his or her stay at Macromedia University.
Beratungsangebote für StudentInnen
Durch kleine Studiengruppen und -klassen ist bei Vorlesungen, Seminaren sowie Übungen stets der persönliche Kontakt zum Professor und Dozenten möglich. Jede/r Studierende hat darüber hinaus Ansprechpartner in der Studienberatung bei allgemeinen Fragen, im International Office bei Fragen zum Auslandsstudium sowie im Career Service bei Fragen zu Bewerbungen, Vermittlung von Branchenkontakten und Karriereplanung.
Praktikum während des Studiums
Programme / Gegebenheiten im Studiengang
Verpflichtendes Auslandssemester
Der Studiengang Media and Communication Management wird nur an den Studienstandorten in München, Köln, Hamburg, Berlin angeboten.
B.A. Media and Communication Management (Englisch), HOCHSCHULE MACROMEDIA
Fachliche Schwerpunkte in diesem Studiengang
Weitere Informationen
The knowledge you acquire will allow you to work flexibly and efficiently within a changing media landscape. Media managers are active in a wide range of areas. This B.A. degree programme concentrates on developing creativity and management capabilities. Students especially benefit from interaction with other Macromedia courses in creative areas: film and television, media and communication design, and journalism. Upon graduation you can embark directly on your chosen career or enroll in a Master’s degree programme.
B.A. Media and Communication Management (Englisch), HOCHSCHULE MACROMEDIA
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